I have always struggled to make friends my whole life. I don’t think I’m a weird person, I just think I must be doing something wrong when it comes to making friends. I’m trying to be braver and put myself out there more.

I’m a university student but I’m much older than the average student in my cohort. I have no friends 1 year into my studies.

I’ve been chatting to a girl a little bit after classes. (I’m also female). We have also bumped into each other getting coffee and I’ve made an effort to chat. She seems quite embedded in a group of girl friends. They all live together and do everything together.

Would I come across as a complete weirdo if I texted her asking to do something with her and her group of friends?

I know I need to make an effort. But I don’t want to come across as desperate or weird!

1 comment
  1. Before you do that, you might try asking just her to do something one on one like grab a cup of coffee to chat. I’m not saying it’s weird, but it might come across as a bit rude if you invite yourself into her group of friends.

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