So my girlfriend, before the relationship started, has lived with her late sisters husband to not only have a place to stay but to help take care of family to make up for lost time. I’ve been assured that he is like a brother to her but I also can’t help but to feel like a passenger most of the time. She is like a mother to those kids and I know it’s not permanent, but I also want a life mainly for us and eventually our own family. It took a little while to get over all this but I also have recently seen an instagram video of her shot last week twerking with her younger sister (not late sister) near him and he tapped her backside with a towel. It made me uncomfortable and when I said something about it, she responded with her family is goofy and fun around each other. We love each other and want to make it work but how would you feel in this situation?

  1. Your gf sound great! This is how family should react in this situation, helping where it’s needed. There could potentially be something between her and the BIL bit nothing in your post suggests it.

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