Hi all, feeling a bit conflicted recently.

TLDR: Was made the target of some drama with a prior group of friends early this year. Some caused the drama, some were just collateral damage from it. Moved cities and cut off the entire group to focus on myself and start fresh. Should I reconnect with them except the one that caused drama?

Recently moved away from a big city to another and I cut off a group of my friends (friends for about 10 years) before I moved (we used to all hang out as one group).

There was some drama that happened earlier this year in which I was the target. I’ve cut off the main person who was caused that drama (which I don’t regret) but there were others in the group that didn’t do anything to me, as far as I know. I figured I’d start fresh and brand new in this new city by letting go of the entire group and focus on growing myself as a person and my career. I’ve moved on from the drama but recently, I’ve been feeling guilty for cutting those off who I think had nothing to do with the drama.

I’m conflicted because while I’ve been thriving in this new city, personally and professionally, I feel guilty for cutting those off who weren’t involved with the drama. Should I reconnect back with them being fully aware they may not want to reconnect with me?

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