What is the hidden meaning behind posting these type of quotes on socials?

There is a girl who posts these quotes on her socials

“POV: when you realise the real luxuries in life are time, slow mornings and the freedom to do what you want”


“The real markers of success are sleeping well at night, how easily you laugh and how many books you have read”

She posts a lot of similar quotes related to “real wealth is…. Money can’t buy….” Etc

Is she really saying she is content with less or is there a hidden meaning?

  1. Got nothing to do with men.

    But, to answer your question, quotes are usually just a fun post you agree with.

    For example the first one, I agree with that, real luxury in life is time, slow mornings and freedom to do what you want.

    Simply because the time you have on this world is limited, the time on this world to be able to do what you want is even more limited.

    She clearly isn’t a material girl if all her posts are like that, maybe she has been going through something that made her change her meaning of what has value in her life.

  2. It could be that she’s insecure about her lot in life and is fixating on idioms to help cope with the disparity. Or she could just genuinely really vibe with the message.

    A lesson through life is to not use armchair psychology to divine peoples intent. We’re pattern seeking mammals, and if a good pattern doesn’t present itself immediately then we’ll take a bogus one and work with it.

  3. Honestly, I normally post more on reddit when I’m bored and haven’t had much social interaction. I assume a lot of people are the same with social media posting.

  4. Don’t you hate it when somebody posts a quote on social media and the name they post of the person who said the quote is always somebody you’ve never heard of?

  5. That’s cope homie. Everyone knows the real luxuries in life are actual fucking luxuries.

    Nobody driving a Ferrari ever said “man ain’t wish this morning was slow”

  6. It means that she is bored and unemployed and is just waiting for you to slide into her dm with a slick limerick

  7. She’s trying to appear spiritual or mystical or maybe remind her friends about what she thinks really matters to them. If she only cares about those quotes for her own mind then she would not post them.

  8. In my experience, a lot of these are people who are going through some sort of professional, emotional, financial, or personal distress and honing in on these quotes helps them cope.

    There are a lot of people who think they can will the world to change around them. Think, Jim Carrey telling everyone ad nauseam that he envisioned a million dollar check in his pockets and next thing he knew, he was rich and famous.

    People think they can will their problems away by being overtly positive and “appealing to the universe”.

    Sorry, no honey, that’s not how this works. Turn off the internet, get off your ass, roll up your sleeves and actually do something to fix your problems.

    They won’t.

  9. I usually see it as someone being passive aggressive about something that happened and doing it to trigger someone to start drama. Stuff like,” You can be surrounded by people and still be lonely.” Stfu Stephanie, you weren’t invited to the party cause you decided to drunkenly flirt with another girl’s bf the day before.

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