I 30(f) have been seeing a guy (33m) for about 3 months now , we aren’t official but going on dates. I am really starting to like him but he is a major conversation killer in texts , we text a few times a day and I’m always the one asking him questions and keeping the convo going, it’s never reciprocated. He does however ask me on and plans really nice dates, they are thoughtful and fun, I also plan some as well. When we go on dates it’s generally about once every week or week and a half and to me the dates are kind of short for how long we have been seeing each other 3-4 hours , no sleep overs. He does ask good questions on dates and seems interested then. I know not every one is a great texter and quantity doesn’t matter to me it’s the quality but I don’t know I feel like I’m annoying him or something ?
And Although I like him I’m finding it exhausting at this point being the one to constantly keep up this conversation but I also know I’ll lose interest/get anxious if I’m not actively talking to him.
Also I’m debating asking him about it but I don’t want to over text and we are both busy for the next week with no set plans to see one another.
Just looking for thoughts and opinions ! Is he actually interested? Am I just the she’s fine for the moment girl? I don’t know

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