I just want to keep it short and sweet with you guys and see how other perspectives would view the type of human i am. I respect and love all people and hopefully this doesn’t come off offensive in anyway to any group, i just want to see how ppl may categorize my sexuality. I love myself and embrace what I’m into I’m just curious as to what others may think and so i come to you guys. The best way i thought to do this is to just say what I’m into and not real cut and dry and see what you guys think.

As far as genitals

Penis: yes 40% preference
Vagina: yes 60% preference

Romantic relationships

CisMale: No 0% preference
CisFemale: yes 100% preference
Non-binary/trans: Possible but society stigma does affect this for me

Open to all with a lean towards dominant women and feminine men

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