Men how is/was your situation when your with a partner who’s has a tendency to by nosy or a tell all to other people?

  1. Not my partner, but a friends. She would tell everyone everything, all the time with the gossip. Someone got sick of it and lied to her and said they were pregnant and not to tell anyone, of course the next morning half the town called to congratulate her. Once she got outed like that she clammed up a lot more.

  2. She got promoted to ex-partner eventually. Not just because of that, but it definitely wasn’t helping.

  3. Took me a while to realize it, she’d tell me about her previous partners in detail (was fine with it, no jealousy at all, just didn’t really want to talk about mine), like, down to performance in bed. Shared a lot about her friends and their personal lives. I don’t think she was malicious at all, just wasn’t really overly concerned about privacy I guess? She didn’t really hide it, like would relay what her best friend said when she told her about some thing we did in bed lol.

    But yeah, it just made me share less things about myself. I don’t know the people you’re telling these things to and I guess it doesn’t matter since it’ll never affect me, but I still don’t really like it. Relationship ended because it was temporary from the start (met while I was living somewhere else for like 6 months), asked me to take some pretty explicit pictures/videos of us for her to use. Would’ve probably said yes if I didn’t worry she’d show other people.

  4. Honestly this is gonna sound sexist but I’ve just come to expect this from women and behave accordingly. It’s never just her it’s also her group of best friends who’s she’s going to be sharing screenshots with and getting advice from. So I treat any piece of information like I’m talking to her friends. Generally if it’s something I REALLY need to talk about I share it with my therapist or my bro.

  5. I ask you keep my secrets like I keep yours… like a bank. You can tell some but not everything, if I say I’m very insecure about it and find out you told others, you lose my trust

  6. I’m nosy with her too, we like all the drama deets! We’re the ultimate gossip girl power couple!

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