What’s your favorite holiday treat at this time of year?

  1. eggnog! if you’re in northern California, highly recommend Clover eggnog, it’s hella good.

    I also like coquito, which isn’t something I grew up with but I made it for the first time a few years ago and it’s delicious.

  2. My family makes a drink that’s basically a frozen hotty toddy using bourbon. It’s not traditional, but it’ll hurt your teeth all the same

  3. gingerbread cookies, candy canes, snow, all pretty scrumptious around this time of year.

  4. Mulled wine! It’s a December-only treat in my family, and really feels special for the holidays.

  5. My mom makes some amazing Christmas cookies that are extra buttery and have a shit-ton of homemade buttercream frosting. She makes lots of regular white macadamia or chocolate chip cookies throughout the year whenever I visit, but these only come out for Christmas.

    I also enjoy a cup of peppermint tea before bed, but only on a day when It’s too fucking cold to do anything. It doesn’t hit the same if I did anything that day.

  6. Gingerbread (not the cookie)

    Preferably my Nanna-in-law’s ginger bread specifically (sorry Mom)

  7. It’s not a traditional “treat” but my wife only makes her Sangria for special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas etc. So that.

    A bit more nationwide, Chick-Fil-A Peppermint Shake.

  8. Cranberry cider bourbon punch. I make it in the crock pot, add the bourbon at serving, it’s so good

  9. A delicious Chanukha Brisket, A delicious christmas duck, Jelly Doughnuts, and some cookies!

  10. I make a mean croissant filled with chocolates and then covered with melted chocolate with glazed sugar and then ice cream on the side. 🤤

  11. Fruit cake – a *good* fruitcake, not one of those cheapo bricks you get at Walmart. I get mine from a monastery in Missouri – dark, moist, flavorful. Superb.

  12. A Little Debbie Christmas tree cake and a glass of eggnog. On weekends there’s a little extra nog, to be sure.

  13. Peppermint bark,
    Shortbread cutout cookies with colored sugar,
    Eggnog with bourbon and frangelico,
    Sausage balls,
    Christmas crack

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