Hey! I (M27) always feel like I’m the odd one out in big social events with people I don’t know well. What can I do about this? On top of that, I’m quite sensitive which doesn’t help.

Example, I’m visiting my home country to visit my friends. Went out with a friend and his other friends, this instantly makes me an outsider.
To top things off, one of the girls there was one of my high school colleagues. She’s a great person and was always good to me, but she reminded me of times when I was bullied, lacked on friends, and acted like an all rounded people pleaser. This made me super uncomfortable.
At a point, my friends were talking to a girl and she was bragging about her sexual conquests and I tried to get into the conversation, this ended up with questions with how many nationalities one has had sex with, to which I also answered when it was my turn.
Her response to me was “ok, but seriously. How did >>YOU<< manage that? Have you seen yourself?”.
I told her that was rude and disrespectful, she said “do I look like I care?”.

I know I shouldn’t care, but I do and it broke my self esteem for the rest of the evening. All of this compounded by old memories lingering in the group. How can I let go of this, and forgive and accept my past self and…. not care?

Sorry for the long post.

  1. People like her I personally stay far away from, and so should you. By the way good job on getting out there and trying, I know it can be hard to do, don’t give up I promise you will meet the right kind of people and if you stay positive and kind you will soon no longer be the odd one out. Don’t let that experience take you down, a lot of us have had times like that but you just have to let it go. Take care

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