What’s the biggest crime associated with your country, that seems to repeat itself on a large scale or be regularly shown in movies & television dramas? Like the Mafia associated with Italy, people trafficking or drugs smuggling with Eastern Europe like Albania, corporate corruption associated with the UK.

I know this may be a sensitive subject, but I’d just like to understand why it happens, if it’s connected to poverty, national personality, economic systems or the political structure of your country.

  1. It’s obviously drugs related, in the Netherlands. Specifically the ‘[Mocro Maffia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroccan_mafia)’, in recent years, with people of Moroccan origin being quite naughty and killing each other and killing witnesses and lawyers and most notoriously a famous tv reporter, [Peter R. de Vries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Peter_R._de_Vries), who was known for solving several high profiles cases in the Netherlands and helping and supporting witnesses and family members of victims. The assassination (as were the others) was most likely carried out by order of [Ridouan Taghi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridouan_Taghi), who’s currently on trial.

    Edit: there’s actually a TV series by the name of Mocro Maffia.

  2. Well- Sweden….It says, according to our former statsminister Stefan Löfvén that ”we have been naive” and taken in loads of immigrants without any demands on them, that are uneducated, do not want to integrate and in many cases take the crimes and the attitudes from their home countries with them. So now we have bombing every weeks, record number of shootings, innocent bystanders killed and harmed, war between fractions, a police that is overworked, building prisons like never before and a justice system that is so overworked it is not funny. Add to that loads of politicians that try to explain away that “they didn’t see it coming”. The ones that did see it coming are so gleeful it is not even funny and are adding fuel to the fire.

    I think it says about Swedes that Sweden is making the same right turn that many others are. And that to many were to damn afraid of being called racist to stop it before it got out of hand.

  3. Spain here, drugs too. And although the most TV show about drugs is “Fariña” and it’s located up north, now tons of the action is located around the “estrecho of Gibraltar” with people bringing drugs in Narcolanchas like really fast small boats from Morocco or simply from big ships. Sometimes they use this narcolanchas to bring immigrants, but it’s just because police will then focus on trying to rescue them than on catching the drug dealers, specially now in winter with the sea very fiery ( just this week four dead bodies appeared on the coast, it is really sad how they use their desperation to continue to introduce drugs)

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