Like being married by a certain age or getting to a certain education level, or buying house.

  1. The only universal one is moving out of your parent’s house, even then, the age at which you’re expected to do so varies immensely in context.

  2. It doesn’t really work that way.

    However, I have long maintained everyone should have at least one really good meal they can make and serve to impress a date and/or having people over for a meal.

  3. We don’t really have that.

    Not dropping out of school and getting a high school diploma is seen as pretty important, but we have a congressperson who didn’t even get that .

    I do think this varies thorough out the country. Some places would value being a passionate but poor artist or musician. Some places value being “a good provider”.

    There are too many different cultures and different regions.

    Marriage, buying a home, degrees — none of them are mandatory to be respected here.

    Being able to take care of yourself is important. Don’t be an adult and have a parent taking care of you. Cook shop clean laundry for yourself.

  4. As much as people shit talk the downsides of the “find your passion” rhetoric, I feel like the beauty of this country’s culture is that it encourages you to choose your own adventure. There’s no set cultural standards.

    So, I think there’s no real answer to your question. People should seek health, happiness, and life fulfillment, whatever that looks like for them.

  5. Being kicked out of your first Waffle House is what’s known as a “Georgia Bar Mitzvah”. There’s a big hullabaloo around it, you get gifts, traditionally your father gives the money for your bail in a big yellow and black envelope, you get your picture taken in the back of the police car with the waitress who gave you a black eye, it’s really nice.

    It’s usually expected to happen by the time you’re about 16, but some people are late bloomers.

  6. There’s not really a National consensus on that topic.

    We do our own thing. We work to find our own success. What my neighbor works to achieve, is something I may not care about.

  7. Honestly I have no idea. I wouldn’t know if a specific achievement goal was American or universal. I want to have love in my life, make enough money to be safe, have my health well into old age. Things like that.

  8. The expectation is that you should at least graduate from high school, though there’s a percentage that do not. You should have a job, be able to support yourself and live independently. It’s a lot easier to pay for housing and a car if you pair off and become a two-income household, but an increasing part of the population live as a single, so that’s not the expectation it used to be.

  9. – graduate high school

    – pay taxes

    – drive a car (while not a requirement, it can be hard to get by and get around without doing so)

  10. I think that when your kids grow up to be someone you’re proud of. That’s probably a really good later life achievement.

    I’m not there yet with these little shits.

  11. Do you mean legally required? Or more like highly recommended/highly rated? Like “top 5 must do attractions in Orlando” but for life?

  12. Generally, American adults past their early 20s are expected to have moved out of their parents’ house, unless they’re unable to live on their own due to disability, or unless they’re a caretaker for a disabled parent.

    American adults are also generally expected to know how to read, unless they have a severe intellectual disability.

    There is no age limit for getting married. Some people get married as senior citizens.

  13. I think this is something that is going to vary a lot by region/state rather than a set rule by country

  14. Graduating High School or getting a GED is an achievement.

    These two things are very important if you want to be successful in America.

    A High school Diploma opens doors to many jobs and careers. Without a high school Diploma, you are bascially screwed and can’t get a job.

    I would say also say getting an associates and a bachelors degree is another personal achievement too in America.

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