It felt amazing and I came twice but after a bit I just started feeling like it was wrong.

I’m not sure if this is some sort of “post nut clarity” (not sure if thats the right term) situation but I just feel off now and I’m wondering if I did something bad without realizing it

  1. Take breaks from it only do it when your really feeling like it. Sometimes if it goes on for too long it’s like watching someone trying to eat a sandwich and it puts you off

  2. I personally love eating out my wife. A lot of us guys really enjoy it. I don’t think you did anything wrong at all!

  3. I certainly wouldn’t say you did anything bad or wrong. It’s a new thing for you and it may feel weird thinking about it after the fact. It’s really easy to get clouded up with hormones and hornyness and not think about how awkward something can be. If you both enjoyed it great! If you find you don’t like it more and more as you think about it then just relax and don’t worry about doing that.

  4. Perhaps you’re just feeling weird about it cos you’re just not used to it being all about you for once (female centred pleasure can be out of the ordinary for some people) OR it can be visually confronting OR you’re super into it and that part scares you…

    Have you actually dissected your feelings and emotions about this more closely? Cos confronting this will give you the answers you need.

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