What’s the nicest thing a guy has said to you?

  1. That I was ‘magnificent’, and another guy said I’d be in his heart ‘until his last breath’.

  2. My fiancee told me when we started talking that I’d be an amazing mother. He still says this, and tells me how beautiful I am etc

  3. “being with you feels like turning the key home after being lost at sea for years. You feel like home”

  4. My last boyfriend once said that I had reignited hope in him and made him get excited about life.

    And another guy once said I was a good person and when I said thanks he said “no, I really mean it. You’re a good, good person. They’re rare”.

  5. When my husband whispers to me in Spanish that I’m beautiful it straight up gets me high.

    He also will often say “We live together!” with a huge smile on his face as if he’s just remembered the fact.

  6. One co-worker told me he hopes his daughter will be a strong woman like me.

    One guy told me I was the most beautiful gift life has ever given him (he broke my heart later though).

  7. That if I was the only person in the world he could ever talk to again, he’d be ok with that.

    Of course, that was almost 3 years ago…now he’s blocked me on socials, ensuring he’ll most likely never talk to me again (but telling me that if I *really* needed to reach him, I still have his number).

  8. Friend at work said I was an amazing nurse who adapted to any situation. Even tho he was anxious as he was newly qualified, hearing that made me feel a lot better, and when I’m having rough days I try and remind myself that people do think I’m good at my job.

  9. “They fucked up for letting you fall out of love with them. Oh well, their loss my gain.”

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