I’ve gone out clubbing solo a few times, mostly for the music and atmosphere. I’ve definitely gone with groups more, but I can categorically say that going with a group that treats you like you have zero value is much, much worse than going alone. When I go alone, sure it sucks going in and feeling like you stand out, but you can join a group fairly easily as long as you’re decently friendly (sharing a vape and buying people shots helps too). But when you’re with a group that doesn’t prioritize you in the slightest and treats you as completely expendable, your confidence takes a massive blow. Additionally, you might feel obligated to stay with them even though you’re not having a good time with them.

This can easily be extrapolated to general social situations. Don’t hang out with people that treat you as expendable and don’t show any indication they actually like you as a person. It 100% sucks being alone, and you should absolutely strive to have a solid friend group, but don’t think being with *anyone* is better than being with no one. If being alone is the starting point, being with people who suck isn’t moving forwards, it’s moving backwards.

1 comment
  1. I totally agree. I don’t go clubbing a whole lot these days but I used to go by myself for this exact reason.

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