I just started dating my best friend what advice can you give me moving forward in our relationship together?

We’ve been best friends for 2 and a half years now I’m 20 years old and he’s 19. We both knew we liked eachother for awhile. About 8 months ago I told him I was in love with him and we went through a weird situationship period because he wasn’t sure on what he wanted and I got my heart broken so I took a couple of months to focus on myself. Throughout this time we’ve always been best friends and I’ve forgiven him. He just told me the other day that he has feelings for me and he realized this when everything went down a couple of months ago because he almost thought he lost me in his life. So far we’ve been talking nonstop the same way we usually do and we had our first time. He slept over on thanksgiving and there was a lot of sexual tension and this was like 2 days before he told me. We have been unable to keep our hands off eachother and he’s not ready to say I love you yet but that’s okay because I know he does love me. I tell him I love him every time I talk to him and I have been doing so throughout our friendship. I have never met a man who puts in the work and goes out of his way the way he does for me. I knew when I first met him that I wanted him in my life forever. He has completely changed my expectations and what I knew about love before and he has taught me so much about what I deserve and how I should be treated. I have never trusted anyone or been completely myself around anyone the way I do with him. Since we told eachother we like eachother our dynamic hasn’t changed. We still talk all the time about everything and we are constantly laughing except now we’re having sex. We’re planning on telling our families around Christmas break. So far we told our friends and there not suprised and there honestly really happy for us and they think we’re meant for eachother. I knew when we became best friends and I fell in love with him that this is going to be the man I marry one day.

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