When I moved to this city years ago, I didn’t have many opportunities to get new friends. I literally know some people that I don’t really consider my friends (just people to chat with) and a couple of people that I usually join in the weekend. I’m half extrovert and half introvert. I don’t have problems in speaking with people, but I get afraid about the rejection, since it’s not easy to stop people and speak if there are not the right circumstances…

I’m a nerd and I like videogames, anime, manga, programming and other things. I’m a silly person and I usually make stupid jokes, imitations, noises, etc. But it’s difficult to really create the so called “friendship” with a person.
Since I like being around people with those interests in common, I’d like to give a shot in this anime/manga convention. I know there are people with social anxiety and people that would call me “creep” if I try to be too much. So I want to understand what could be the “natural approach” to start a conversation, etc.

P.s.: I already said it in this last paragraph: I prefer finding people with interests in common. I usually don’t get along with people that are so different than me. I need friends with interests and humorism in common. I hope this is understandable, and it’s not like I’m a picky person

1 comment
  1. Being brutally honest…it is a Manga convention. The chances of 99% of the attendees being nerdy, socially awkward, and anxious – is great. Gusrantee the majoeity of attendees will be trying just as hard as you. So don’t worry about being creepy…just be yourself! Just say hi to people. When you see people gathered around a character you like or at a booth you are interested in – go over and say hi, introduce yourself.

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