My (Canada/PL) spouse (DE) is adamant about moving back to Europe after being in the US now for 7 years. We both moved here together from Euripe after our studies for work, got married, bought a house, and now have a child.

I have come to really enjoy my time here and would like to pursue citizenship in a few years and stay long-term while my spouse is now becoming more and more adamant about moving back to Europe to be closer to family. This has led to many arguments and a rift in our relationship.

While I did not grow up in Europe, I’ve spent some years living and traveling there growing up. We have tried spending significant chunks of time in Europe recently to ‘warm me up’, averaging 3 months of the year for the last 2 years with another 4 month trip being planned which I believe the be a substantial amount of time. While I enjoy the trips, I remain unconvinced we should pack up and move there. Considering that we are on Greencards, a longer tryout of a year or more is not an option without jeprodizing our status in the US and we’d unlikely go through the GC process again. If we go now, it’s a one way trip.

We have argued furiously separated by weeks or months of what feels like kicking the can down the road and I believe resentment is building up that can, and probably will end our relationship if we can’t find some solution. Having a child now immensely complicates the matter for both of us. Our current compromise is to pursue citizenship in a couple years and then immediately move somewhere to Europe with the option of coming back one day which neither of us is happy with. In many ways we both feel like losers and despite this agreement, we still argue about it and we’ve grown apart because of it.

I’m immensely greatful that we even have the option of doing what were doing with flexible work and living abroad. It is taxing on me to plan and execute these trips however as almost all our time off goes into these trips making me feel like I can’t do some of the things I would like to do. I ultimately hoped that my spouse’s desire to spend more time with family could have been solved with flights and longer trips, but apperantly it cannot, we have to move there. Add the fact that the family is sprinkled around Europe and requires flights or long travels anyways and I’m left feeling like we would be making a massive life change for only a marginal improvement. The ticking clock of us relocating has pushed me into a slightly depressive state in the sense that I’m reluctant to even try building up a community or reach out to friends because why bother if we’re just going to leave anyways and have to start from scratch, but now in a language and culture I don’t know.

I’m not quite sure what my question is. Maybe of someone can talk some sense into me or share some wisdom on how i can better navigate how I feel about this situation, it would be greatly appreciated.

  1. A bit of practical advice…..consult with an attorney. What are your parental rights if your wife wants a divorce…what if she decides that while you’re on an extended visit in another country?

    From a marriage standpoint….go to therapy. Each of you can talk through your reasons with a neutral third party. There may be another way of looking at things, that one (or both of you) hasn’t considered.

    Good luck.

  2. I’m also canadian and I don’t know why you’d choose to raise a kid in the USA when you have the option to go to Europe.

    Stay there if you want of course but your child should go with your wife.

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