Bear with me on this, and please be nice.

I admit I have a crush on a certain guy who will not be named, but I don’t know if I would ever have the metaphorical balls to ask him on a date, let alone know if he likes me. I’m trying to weed through all the positives and negatives in my head, but here are some of the top ones.

**Here are the positives:**

1) He’s really genuine, and I hate that I sound like every teenage girl (despite being out of my teens) but it’s the truth. He’s a really hard worker, outgoing, handsome, kind, a little goofy, and a million other things. Point is, he’s a catch.

2) Over the past year, we had to work on projects together as part of a leadership group in the community, meaning we got closer through that. We knew each other a tiny bit before then because our respective employers often collaborate, but this got us really knowing each other.

3) He’s always been very “physical contact” heavy I’d say, a lot of high fives and fist bumps. HOWEVER, he has given me a hug whenever I’ve seen him starting after this group wrapped up. It’s not a side hug, it’s a full on frontal hug unless I happen to be carrying something.

4) He has appeared in my dreams more than once. Sometimes we’re together, other times he’s just a background character. And before you all start making guesses, these weren’t 50 Shades-type dreams going on. 🤣 We were just together hanging out.

5) He is for all intents and purposes a single pringle. No photos with ex girlfriends, Facebook status is set to single, nothing indicating he’s off the market.

**Here are the negatives:**

1) I probably should get to know him better before pursuing anything. Not that he’s going to reveal a secret hidden dark side (or at least I hope not) but we’re not chatting every day.

2) Former popular boy, meaning he has his pick of girls and has a fair number of female friends within his friend circle. Some of them I know are married/dating, but it is kind of a kick to the self-esteem when you know that he’s in contact with them more often than he is with you (granted, we were more in contact around this time last year because of projects we collaborated on)

3) Another one of my friends (also in the group) mentioned liking him earlier in the year and asked him to hang out, but he went radio silence on her after that. She seemed to be making a connection with him as well in this group, but also moved on after her rejection (to my knowledge at least). So technically he’s free, but it’s kind of shitty to just swoop in and ask him out when my friend got rejected, right?

4) I have no balls, lol. I am really hard on myself and haven’t had luck with relationships before, so I don’t know how rejection will pan out for me. At the same time, I think I’d fear driving him away with my quirks if by some miracle he did like me back.

**So like I mentioned in the title, what now?**

  1. *Former popular boy, meaning he has his pick of girls and has a fair number of female friends within his friend circle.*

    You’ll just make up the numbers. He’s out of your league.

  2. It sounds like he has had plenty of opportunities to ask you out, and hasn’t done so. There could be many reasons for this.

    I’d say just ask him out on a date. As a man, it would be refreshing if a woman just came up to me and asked straight out. No body language decoding, no hints, no beating around the bush, no “waiting for me to make a move”.

    Good luck!

  3. Your success rate is equally connected to your attractiveness in this case, how out of league are you in comprasion to him? is there other girls who are objectivley more attractive/hotter than you? if yes just forget it if no you def have a chance.

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