What’s something that instantly pisses you off?

  1. While driving, people waiting until the last second to cut in front of everyone.

    I want to say to them: You aren’t smart. You aren’t clever. You are just an asshole.

  2. Entitled whining. I’m usually pretty calm under just about any circumstance or emergency and deal with difficult people all day. Someone comes in with that shit and I lose it.

  3. Bad drivers who have no regards for pedestrians. You **should not** turn into the crosswalk when I have the light. Or worse: run through the red light as I’m about to cross the street.

    I will be in the best mood but will go from zero to psycho / berserker-rage when shit like this happens.

    This is tied with getting slapped in the face.

  4. People talking about facing hate/bigotry but choose to be abrasive towards anyone who’s not like them. Along with not willing to give anything that they expect. Just acting like social blunders don’t apply to them, it’s just not healthy to go about like that.

  5. Being behind someone in line at a bar/fast food for a long time (I’m talking sometimes 10 minutes) and when it’s their turn, they still don’t know what they want.

    Especially if it’s a group of people with them and they all have to discuss what they want while ordering. Jesus Christ, you were waiting in line for 10 minutes! Figure it out before you get there!

  6. People that are too deep into their phone while walking, while taking up too much space and walking at a zombies pace. Get the hell out of the way.

  7. When im arguing with my mom and she brings up something random that I did when I was seven. So I bring up how she did the same thing last week, and it’s suddenly “off topic, im criticizing her parenting, etc”

  8. People that favor how they feel over what they can demonstrate to be true, especially when it comes to stuff like politics and law.

  9. Bad user interface. It always feels intentional and it’s a huge part of why we can’t have nice things

  10. Those twats that mess with their motorbikes to make them louder and drive up and down the street all night

  11. People that argue with their emotions and when proven wrong call you an asshole for stating facts or completely change the subject

  12. Litterbugs! Find a garbage you piece of trash, and while you’re at it, throw yourself in there!!

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