What are those things you’re too old to do but you still enjoy?

  1. Drink more than 3 cocktails in an evening. The hangovers aren’t worth it but I still do it anyway a few times a year.

  2. Petting animals like horses, cows, goats or sheep when they’re close enough to the fence when you walk by.

  3. Children’s educational 3D cartoons. Got me saying “A is for Aaaa-pple B is for Baaa naaa naaaaa” in my work clothes 🤷🏽‍♂️

  4. Go to clubs and dance. I actually went to one last night I’m 37m every one else there was in their 20s. My friends and I went to dinner near by. They went home but I was attracted by the 90s/00s hip hop I hear them playing. Had a great time dancing by myself until a group of girls came over because they liked my moves and I knew the Soija boy dance when no one else did. It was a great time.

  5. I have all of my teddy bears from growing up. I still snag a few here and there. I carry a small one around like an emotional support pet lol I just can’t let them go. They are like my forever companions.

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