im sure the title sounds pick me but just listen. i always grew up as a tomboy and even though i somewhat phased out of it, i still feel like i can’t relate to my friends when they talk about stuff like makeup or clothes or whatever bc i honestly have no frame of reference. idk how makeup works and i usually am seen in a t-shirt and sweatpants. i really hope i don’t sound like a pick me “shes one of the guys” girls but i just genuinely wish i could engage with my friends on topics sometimes bc i feel almost like the odd one out.

  1. If you’re interested in learning about makeup, then why not explore and share your journey with the girls you’re trying to befriend. They’d probably be happy to give you tips and it could be a fun bonding thing. Knowing and having some experience with makeup doesn’t mean you’re obliged to wear it every day.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with being the odd one out, and if you feel you relate more to guys it’s okay to primarily hang out with them.

  3. Hey! Unless you have a genuine interest in that stuff (in that case TikTok and YouTube are your best friend just to keep up in the convo) just be you! Or get on bumble and find friends who share your interests! Best of Luck to you!

  4. I can relate I only put mascara on and when its time like ‘girl time’ before going to a party or something all my friends get ready next to me with their makeup boxes… and in the ends what happening is that they’re the ones who put makeup on me lol I’m really not a makeup person but I wish understanding all the techniques and things like that, girls around me look cute with makeup on

  5. You don’t have to engage in topics that you don’t have interest in.

    If you do find makeup and “girly” things interesting and just don’t have the habit of it, then start looking it up – YouTube, subs, tiktok and so on. You can even ask one of your friends for help and tips on that.

    Now if you’re just trying to pick the interest to have something to engage in – you don’t have to do that. There are SO MANY things in the world and you can talk about many other topics. Even if they love makeup or clothes, I’m sure they talk about other things too – cooking? Politics? Memes? Dating life? Music? Board games? TV shows? Travel? I mean I could go on. I have found that maintaining friendships now is more about mutual care rather than being super similar. I have a lot of friends who grew apart from me interests-wise, but their topics and how their life is going are still important things to me (and vice versa).

    Also take some time to explore what genuinely interests you and you may also make new friends, which is always good 🙂

    Edit: spelling

  6. It’s okay to be different. If they’re already your friends, surely you have things in common besides makeup and clothes. Maybe try focusing on what you guys DO have in common, and remind yourself that there’s more to people than just their hobbies and interests! I understand how you feel, though. But no need to force yourself to take interest in something you’re not really in to.

  7. The statement is too general. There are girls who feel the same way as you. It’s fine to not fit in in that way with your current group of friends. It’s nice to have a friend group with diverse interest.

  8. Its rather simple, find women who are like you, not all women are girly
    This is why its impossible not to be like other girls, bc there will always be some other girls like us 🙂

  9. initiate the conversation and truly make an effort to get to know them, and be yourself…

    I grew up as a tomboy as well.. and feel the same that it is so hard to relate to girls and soo much easier to be friends with guys. I got Slut shamed in high school a lot for it which SUCKED but I kept trying to become friends with girls for this reason, but the relationships felt so fake… now I’m 21 and just getting the hang of it… I learned that if you stop putting that mental block of oh I’m not going to relate to them so just talk about what I think they’d like, and actually try to dig deep and talk about things you’re interested in you may be surprised, especially in groups, try to initiate the conversation with a girl who hasn’t talked too much, once they open up the quiet girls tend to be my favorite people to talk to! Hope this helps:)

    also, seeming that you genuinely care about what they have to say really helps people open more and is something I use with everyone.

  10. Girl just be you and the right girlies will come along how old are you? Does not sound like pick me at all just regular life

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