This was originally going to be a comment on a post but figured it may of benefit the wider audience.

First of all, if someone does ghost you, don’t worry about it, that wasn’t your person. Focus on being the best version of yourself and let the right person realise it.

From my experience with dating; a girl just wants to feel safe. At the end of the day, we are all just Mammals. If you go back to basics, it’s the mothers role to stay at home and raise the offspring. It’s the fathers role to provide for them & make them feel safe. The minute the mother feels uneasy about her situation, she’ll take control of it and make herself feel as safe as possible. That could mean either trying to work through it, it may mean ghosting, it may mean a breakup & it may mean a divorce.

Social media does communicating no favours. It’s great that we can stay in touch with people, but the way we communicate isn’t natural. When you text someone, you’re only communicating via words on a screen. You’re unable to read a persons body language, the tonality in their voice, or if they’re even actually smiling in the first place or just using an emoji to mask it.

It’s unfortunate because this is the way society is going & the kids of today are growing up to know no different. Everyone communicates on their phones without being able to gauge how someone really feels. People lack the self awareness to realise the harm it’s doing & are too preoccupied with the easy dopamine hits to want to do anything about it.

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