We are in a relationship for the past 3 years. Friends for 2 years before that.

I went to her profile (I helped her set up her account, so she knows I can see her Reddit account). She has a delete posted titled ‘AITA for thinking about going on dates even though I am in a relationship?’

We are and have been exclusive since day 1 and have been in LDR for 2 years (we see each other every 6ish months). She is coming to my place during December for Christmas & New Year.Should I confront her now? Wait for her to come and then talk to her? Never bring this up?

This is the first serious relationship for both of us. We have talked about marriage, and kids. Our friends & parents know about us, which is a big deal in our part of the world. We are in different countries in the EU for our masters on student loans so the trip is a big thing, financially and relationship milestone POV.

  1. That’s no good mate , if it were me I’d tell her I saw her deleted post and say if you want to go on dates then your single. And see what she says . But for me … anything she says wouldn’t matter because why would I wanna be with someone who isn’t fully committed to me/us/ and the relationship

  2. 1. Long distance
    2. Thinking about other dudes
    3. Just move on

    Find a girl that can give you a BJ within 20 mins and you will be much happier.

  3. She made a reddit post about whether or not she’s an asshole for thinking about going on other dates because she’s lonely and sees you twice a year instead of twice a week. Then she deleted the post.

    Tough to swallow, but you might not want to broach that unless you’re ready to break up over it.

  4. Don’t wait, just break up with her. The fact that she’s not only considering cheating on you but went so far to talk about it publicly is enough to prove your relationship isn’t working out.

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