And basically he said he has no social media.
Do I consider this a green flag or red?

Iv never really heard that before?

What do I do?

I really like the guy.

  1. I don’t, either, and I’m still trying to figure out if it’s the reason I’m not having any luck.

  2. It doesn’t mean anything. He’s either telling you the truth or he’s not but unless there’s a reason to question what he’s telling you I wouldn’t suggest looking for something that’s not there. Have a little faith.

  3. Trust your gut instinct and don’t worry unless he has told you any lies.

    None of my exes have ever had social media.

    I don’t have facebook, snapchat, whatsapp or tiktok accounts and never had a smartphone.

  4. How old are you? That might be a factor as well. I’m mid-30s.

    I had social media when I was younger, but I got rid of everything when I was about 30. Partly because I’m in contact with everyone I care to be, partly because it ate up time I’d rather spend doing other things, and partly because I don’t want random people to find out everything about my life in a quick Google search.

    I get why people do it, but I think there are a lot of great reasons to not use social media. My life definitely improved without it. I don’t see it as a red flag at all.

  5. Why would no social media be a red flag? My last ex didn’t have it and neither does my current bf. I don’t have a preference if they have it or not, but it *is* refreshing to be with someone who isn’t on it. I’m not even on social media all that much myself, unless you count Reddit.

  6. Tbh, I’m a guy and I have thought of nuking ALL social media many times. I’m starting to think it is just getting more and more toxic and just not useful, or beneficial. I don’t think you should think anything of this other than maybe it’s just sensory overload for him.

  7. I have searched for people I know, and I can’t find a trace of them on social media. So it is possible that he doesn’t have any, or deleted them all sometime. You can always search for them.

  8. I quit all social media besides this and like 2 tick tock videos. I had to stop because of stalking by relatives and random people sending me private messages with pictures of my house. He might have this problem.

  9. Would be green flag for me tbh. Unless he’s lying and he’s actually married with kids. Hahaha only one way to find out 😵‍💫

  10. He’s either saying that because he considers it to be too early for a social media exchange (honestly, for me anything before committed relationship is too early for social media exchange) or actually does not have social media. Not a green or red flag – just need to get to know them irl and not by stalking them.

  11. I’m late 30’s and have no social media anymore and I was a young adult in my 20’s when all the social media platforms were getting popular. I don’t put any stock in them. They are mostly just peoples highlight reels. There are links between social media and depression/anxiety. Everyone gets on them and compares themselves to everyone else’s “lives” on IG and feels like they aren’t living as good a life and shit but again…highlight reels.

    My whole life improved when I got off of all social media and stopped thinking about it.

    Personally if I was dating a girl who thought it was a red flag, I’d probably consider THAT a red flag and not see her anymore lol.

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