Men, what makes a girl desirable in your eyes?

  1. I’m into the super outgoing, talkative, bubbly type A girls. I’m more reserved so a girl that can bring me out of my shell a little has always been super attractive to me

  2. Easygoing personality, intelligence, and a clear willingness to work to get ahead in life.

  3. * Being not a literal girl
    * financially responsible (not highly in debt, capable of saving)
    * willing to cooperate primarily with her partner
    * in reasonable shape
    * has own hobbies
    * wants to start a family at some point

  4. Intelligence, compassion, works hard, likes to take care of herself (doesn’t mean she has to be overly fit or athletic) although I do love a nice pair of legs, kindness and doesn’t take themselves or everything too seriously

  5. I knew a girl who was fiercely independent and competent and had her life together.

    But at the same time, she couldn’t go bowling to save her life, you’d think she’s never seen a bowling ball in her life.

    She had the perfect mix of being so smart and intelligent, but sometimes was a fish-out-of-water.

    Not to mention she had a smile that could light up a room!

  6. 1) provides something of value to me personally

    2) will fuck me like she’s the biggest slut ever “only for me”

    3) respect me.

  7. Please stop with these FAQs! This one gets asked daily! Mods just start deleting them!

  8. one that gives off calm motherly vibe, but who is also super sassy and dishes out sick burns all the time

  9. Looks good. Feels good.

    Now if you wanna go beyond just what my eyes think, that gets a lot more complicated.

  10. wel thats a good quistion . not sure if its a general quistion or a personal one , but for now i consider it a personal one for the sake of the anwser .

    a desireble girl / woman , to me must be the following or share manny similaritys whit a description i will ad in this post .

    now this description only descripes a persons charakter / personality , not her physicley existance / body .


    shy and humble yet confident , warm , kind , friendly , sweet , spontaneous , humorous , charming , understanding , accepting and loving me as i am , supportive , caring , child / animal / nature friendly , intelligent , independent , realistic , authentic , graceful , reliable , honest , loyal , respectful , responsible , competent . mentally , emotionally and in behavior mature . a soft and somewhat submissive and mysterious personality / character .

    has figured me out and totally understands me , can easily deal whit my shenanigans and has a certain mysterious look that she only uses on me that confuses me and short circuit my brain totally turning me into 80s/90s romcom dude . a silky soft spoken voice ( may have a little bit of a rasp sound in it ) that can reach me and overwrite my brain and reach my heart more easier than anything or anyone els . can and will easaly conect to me emotional and mentaly .

    no use of any foul language or bad behavior , loves kids , nature and animals , has no kids but wants kids ( at least 3 ) and a dog ( golden retriever ) .

    likes vanilla romance as well as the more exiting vanilla unhinged and uncontrollable type of romance and love making , loves to snuggle up to me , loves to cuddle and make out , love to use her look to tease and confuse me as well on some certain moments to turn me nuts , and love having me somewhat dominant and chase her .

    is in touch whit her female side and is feminine , is in touch whit her sexuality is passionate and knows what she wants and likes ( 80s/90s exiting vanilla adventures of romance and passion ) and shares manny similaritys whit a ” trad wife ” or is a ” trad wife ” type of woman .
    is neat , takes good care of her personal hygienes and looks beuitifull whitout or by hardly using any make-up . smells nice , dresses neat , casual , practical and at the same time feminine and good looking . takes good care of herself and likes to take good care of me and or childeren .

    eats healthy , likes to and can cook , likes traditional meals ( potato whit gravy , vegetable and meat or fish followd by dessert ) , likes to do and can do the household , likes old fashioned traditional holiday’s .

    can provide most basic first aid / medical assistance / medical help , is not religious , is not a grammar nazi , is not a bitch . hardly to not smoking , hardly to not drinking alcohol . No drugs , no tattoos and no piercings .

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