What is your deepest regret?

  1. Getting too sucked into some conspiracy-laced New Age claptrap when I was younger. I think it set me back, though it was a learning experience too.

  2. Not telling my dad how much I resent him not bothering with my upbringing before he became an old and feeble man.

  3. Waiting too long before meeting women. I was not at my best physically and socially when I met the love of my life, so I couldn’t have a relationship with her

    If I had been more outgoing and social in my early 20’s and teens I maybe could’ve dated her

  4. Not telling her that I was in love with her before. I pretty much held onto that feeling for 1/3 of my life, and now she’s with another guy.

  5. There was a time after my in laws divorced that my father in law lived with my wife and I for two years.

    Everything that happened during those two years was an absolute nightmare.

  6. Not asking for help when I needed it in my younger years.

    I had no dad, no guidance, and no direction. Instead of asking for help from people around me I decided to figure it out on my own. Although I’m much wiser from the experiences I’ve been thru, I could’ve been 1000x further in life if I just accepted help

    Also, not getting out my comfort zone more.

    I’ve always been the type to take risks and do things that scare me. I just wish I did that more often

  7. Not taking a chance in starting a business in an industry I loved working in before my wife and I had kids and couldn’t risk everything anymore

  8. Not saying goodbye to my dad while he was still here, not being by my dogs side when they put her down 🙁

  9. Not listening to my ex about my drinking. Threw away a VERY good woman that I still regret almost 10 years later.

    I’m so sorry Riss

  10. Not speaking up about things that concerned me and having boundaries until recently in life.

    Yeah I’ve cut a lot of people out, but my life is so much easier.

  11. Didn’t have the courage to apply for my dream job because I was too afraid of being rejected due to my bad grade in college.

    Didn’t even try to ask the girl that I liked out because I also afraid of being rejected by her.

    It takes almost 10 years for me to finally realize rejection doesn’t actually hurt that much.

  12. Not ending my marriage sooner

    I should never have married my ex, but I don’t regret doing so. It was a lesson I had to learn the hard way

    All I regret is being too afraid of being alone to call it quits when I knew that I should have

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