I’ve just been thinking (as a guy) that I only have one zone that actually feels good when it comes to sexual gratification, but I’ve been talking to more partners recently and it seems like majority of guys are sensitive in other areas as well?
Just wondering if my body is just different or if most guys are typically numb to most things.

  1. There’s several:

    – The underside of the wrists

    – Just below the waistline

    – The nipples

    – The forehead

  2. Just to expand your ideas of erogenous zones. People who are paralyzed tend to develop erogenous zones in places like their ears, scalp, and shoulders. Essentially, those sensations can rewire to anything

  3. Not purely sexual, but I went on a date and she grabbed my biceps area and it was pretty much romantic for me. Turned me on for sure!

  4. As a man I happen to know the answer to this intimately. The answer?

    No fucking clue.

    I put in the work to figure out her body. Mine goes unexplored. Meh.

  5. One, the brain. Everything else is just detail.

    Literally anyone can be turned on by literally anything. It all comes down to how you think about it. And something that is always a turn on for you can suddenly become a turn off if the situation isn’t right.

  6. – **Everyone is different.**
    – It takes time and energy to explore one’s body. Maybe spend some time exploring it?
    – It depends on who is touching
    – here are some example of my zones:
    – behind my ear
    – sides of my neck
    – collarbone

  7. My ding dong (obviously), but also my ears. For me sensations is veeeery close to bj but wife can play with them in public 😀

    Also, what was very surprising…i had a wrist injury and went to a physiotherapist. A young girl was doing some kind of massage and damn, that touch was HOT despite the pain.

  8. Varies from dude to dude… but generally speaking:

    Penis, sac, taint, groin, butt, inner thighs, armpits, nipples, and lips.

  9. As far as i know, i have one down there… kissing, so i guess mouth and for some reason ears. When she decides to lip-bite, bite or lick my ear while i can hear her breathe into my ear.. that drives me nuts.

  10. There are places that are nice to get sucked or licked during sex, but there’s only one that provides the sexual feeling for me. I genuinely don’t know if people talk about erogenous zones in a metaphorical sense and people are like me or if there’s dudes out there who can get their nipples and ears sucked and cum from that somehow.

  11. Hands, and especially fingers. Try getting them sucked on and licked, and also the inside of your palms. And imagine it’s your cock being sucked, if you like. Erogenous zone for both sexes.

    Some also have very sensitive toes and feet. Give them a good wash and nailclipping so you can relax, and try getting your toes sucked on and kissed.

    The nether region of your back – try a massage or light repetitive cuddling, kissing and licking there.

    If you’re not quite ready for a full finger in the butt, the perineum (the area between your ballsack and your asshole) can give much pleasure by being massaged during sex.

    It can also feel great if someone plays with the outside of your asshole (the rim) with their finger, or with their tongue, without it feeling to invasive.

    Use spit or lube for these two. And make sure to wash your buttcrack/perineum/balls first (only the outside, not inside your asshole), this can help you relax and make it pleasurable for both.

    Good luck, have fun on your journey!

  12. We do have more than one, the thing is we’re not used to them. Granted, it all depends on how sensitive one individual is, but think about it like a muscle: imagine you only do upper body training and skip leg day, maybe you never knew you could train your legs, so they aren’t as strong, sensitive and precise as your arms, your back and shoulders. There’s a lot of mental play in it as well, but if you focus on it you might realize what I mean and slowly ease up to it.

    It also depends on who is touching you. You might not feel anything if you brush your own thigh, but have a person you’re attracted to do the same movement and you will get a reaction.

    The most obvious point of course is the penis, given how much men are focused on it most don’t even know about other zones. But you can feel good from teasing your nipples too, your neck or your ears. Another big erogenous zone (and stigmatized) is the prostate. But as I said, it all depends on how sensitive you are and how much you train those “muscles.” If you still focus on your penis when teasing other zones, it could shift your focus from them to it and you won’t feel anything.

  13. as long as your brains are engaged sexually then most of the body can be an “erogenous zone”. i think that goes for both men and women. sex is mostly about the brain imo. at least this is what ive learnt in my 38 years on this planet.

  14. The best way i found out mine were the regions that tickled me the most (I am extremely ticklish). Those were the regions if touched right, by the right person were the best erogenous zones.

  15. I mean everyone is different, but it depends a lot on the circumstances. When I was in high school/college and just trying to find people to hook up with, I probably would’ve said the same thing. But when you’re with someone who you truly want to be with, in an environment you want to be in, and you share some level of legitimate passion and love for them, it opens up a whole new realm of possibilities that you didn’t even know existed. At least that was my experience.

    A big part is also the effort that’s behind the act. Do I really enjoy it when my wife gives me a hickey on my stomach? Sensation wise, it doesn’t do much for me. But it’s super hot that she’s doing it with real effort because she wants to. Foreplay is definitely an art form that I think people miss out on in the hookup phase of life.

  16. everyone is a little different, but good places to try are along nerve bundles, at or near “pressure points”, etc.

    for example, turn your hand face up and, with your other hand, gently brush your wrist. feels a little weird, right? that’s the trunk line for all the nerves in your hand. you can trace that nerve by that feeling. up to about your elbow before it has to do some shenanigans to avoid the joint, you can pick it up again on the inside of your upper arm, almost under the bicep muscle. then it noodles through your armpit (again to avoid the joint messing with it) and shows up again in your traps/neck muscles.

    some or all of that is likely to be responsive to the right sort of touching. ladies, you should be exploiting the hell out of this if you aren’t already.

    also, the ears or just behind them. there are a few runs in your legs but they’re less sensitive and harder to find.

  17. Nipples, underside of forearm, neck, ears, inside of thighs, genitals, neck.

    It differs a bit for each person obviously but those are the main ones.

  18. For me, literally everywhere.

    Forehead kisses, cheek pets, eyelids, back rubs, belly rubs, ears, thighs, arms, neck, lips, tongue, my jaw, hands, fingers, feet, ankles, ass, calves, scalp, penis, testicles.

    Literally, with a woman I’m in a relationship with, there’s nowhere I’ve been touched that I didn’t physically and emotionally enjoy.

    But, type of touch and intention matter.

    If we’re relaxing together, she can rub my penis and I’ll feel relaxed.

    If we’re being sexy, she can squeeze my hand or touch my jaw and I’ll be aroused.

    She could also poke me anywhere and hurt or annoy me, but thankfully, she doesn’t 🤣

    I have extremely sensitive nerves. Tickling my back or arms or neck feels about 70% as intense as an orgasm, though less “sexual”, and sends pleasurable tingling through my whole body.

  19. People forget that the brain is the
    biggest erogenous zone. Of course, you do get the good with
    the bad. The new technology permits
    us to do exciting things with
    interactive erotic software. Wave
    of the future, Dude. 100% electronic.

  20. I had a girl suck my nipples one time and tbh I always regarded them as insensitive but that day I saw a whole new toe curling side of how pleasurable my nipples are

  21. When handled properly every part of my body could manifest erogenous sensitivity. Okay, just not my eye balls. The only balls that don’t like to be licked.

  22. Erogenous zones aren’t just areas of the body that get you off. They’re all part of getting you GOING.

    When I was a kid I remember turning the volume really low on the TV and when women would talk I would press my ears against the speakers because it made me “feel good”. Now that I’m an adult I understand that when women do a little dirty talk closely in my ear it really gets me going.

    I happen to be a man who has sensitive nipples. A lot of my peers don’t have that sensitivity so they don’t understand just how good it feels when a woman licks them. But for me, some slight nipple play is another thing that gets me going. Again, neither of these examples will get me off, but they do get me very much into the mood.

  23. I don’t know about other guys, but when my ex started to lick and kiss my ears that shit felt so good.

  24. The most important erogenous zone is the mind. Finding a partner that can stimulate your mind is enormously difficult and enormously important.

    Other than the mind, all skin can be an erogenous zone, some parts more than others. Some skin responds to gentle strokes. Some skin responds to strokes that only brush the small hairs. Other skin responds to heavy pressure.

    Most men are visually stimulated. Men don’t want someone to stroke their eyes, but they do respond to visual stimuli of a sexual nature.

    And don’t forget internal erogenous zones, such as the prostate.

  25. A few months ago, my fiancee tied me up. Ran a paddle along my body and started kissing my upper back then alternated with licking in my ear I swear on my life I had an orgasm from it. I had never been kissed in my upper back before and now it’s my favorite spot!

    Find your spot OP. God bless

  26. Dude, if you’re healthy your whole body is an erogenous zone. What you hear, see, smell and feel over your whole body can turn on..well most ppl I would assume. Maybe you havent explored enough?

  27. The average guy has 2: Lips and PP. Some are lucky to have sensitive nipples and prostate, but that’s it really. (So 4 at most)

    For reference the average woman has 7.

  28. Two: PP and my tricep. For some reason I love it when girls kiss my tricep while I fuck them. It’s a bit like that feeling you get when cats rub on you softly. Just I don’t get aroused by cats

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