Americans, what do be you do on weekends?

  1. Today I’m meeting up with some friends for brunch, then we are gonna check out a new karaoke bar that just opened in our neighborhood.

    In the summer we go to a lot of NYCFC games on the weekends, or hang around in parks. Karaoke is a big repeat activity, too. Sometimes we take day trips out of the city. But truthfully a lot of our activities are centered around eating and drinking.

  2. Usually relax after a long week of work. Watch TV or movies, play games, read books, listen to music, clean, run errands, etc.

    Unfortunately, I need to spend most of this weekend prepping for annual reviews of my team.

  3. It revolves around marking sure my daughter has a fun day and trying to get some remodel work on my house done.

  4. Work on my novel.

    Watch football with our friends.

    Usually we go out to dinner with another couple.

    Go for a hike when the weather’s nice. Or maybe the pool. Today, however, it’s early winter and gross outside.

    Read books, work the crossword.

    Typically, church on Sunday morning.

    Chores around the house.

  5. Hike, go to the farmers market, watch football (or any professional sport that’s on: Tour de France in June, tennis, basketball), cook, go to a concert, go to the beach, work on house projects, and occasionally just smoke a joint, put on some great music, and clean or do yardwork.

  6. Mostly outdoor activities. This time of year, I’m hunting pretty much every weekend day. Im writing this from the woods and hoping a big old doe walks by. I only eat meat that I hunt (with the exception of restaurants), so I have to stock up while I can. In the spring and summer, I’m often fishing, hiking, maintaining land, and just relaxing on the lake.

  7. Weekly house cleaning chores and laundry. Grocery shopping for the week. Crafting…have some quilt project for this weekend. Meet up with friends for coffee. Log in to my work laptop to start preparing for Monday.

  8. Today I’m eating breakfast while browsing Reddit, then I’m going to go on a hike along a creek trail near my house. Then I’ll probably do some chores around the house and play some Baldur’s Gate 3. Tonight I’m having some friends over for pizza and a bonfire in my backyard.

  9. Massachusetts with my husband and kids.

    The seasons influence this greatly.

    Hikes and museums play a pretty big role. One out of the 2 weekend days is often a ride to a museum (we have about 10 towns to drive to in different directions with lots of cultural stuff), a meal, and something outdoors like a walk in nature or on a beach, etc.

    One weekend day maybe something constructive like yard work, and then board games or video gaming and with chili or chicken soup on the stove.

    Summer – almost every weekend is at a different beach or in the mountains. New England summers are short and Memorial day to Sept we really try to make sure we make the most of it.

    December – almost every weekend is holiday stuff.

    At 8 pm if we are home, we always get together and watch whatever our family show is at the moment – or maybe a movie. We just watched everything, everywhere, all at once.

  10. Depends where you live. It’s a nice beach day today. Watched the sun come up this morning. Looking around and saw some guys bringing their kids out to go fishing from the shore.

  11. If the weather weren’t bad, I’d be going to a couple of different car shows. I might go to the gun range and/or go downtown Atlanta for a show at a small venue.

  12. The weather is in the “perfect” season in AZ, so usually spend time outdoors (bike, hike, dog). Lunch/dinner/some sort of activity with husband/friends/family. House chores. Use Sunday afternoon as “me” time because as an introvert I need to reset lol.

  13. I plan to spend this Saturday in my bed with a book. A book and a video game.

    And a cat.

    And leftover pizza.

  14. Work, usually. Restaurant employees weekends consist of whatever two days they get off, which tend to be mid week for me. Weekends are busy at work, so all hands on deck

  15. I’m a student and do part-time work, so if I’m not working on weekends (I usually work at least one day), then I’m working on homework pretty much the entire weekend lmao
    Sometimes I’ll hang out with friends if I don’t have anything too important to do

  16. I sing Sinatra.

    Actually, no I don’t. But I almost did reading your headline. I run (or gym if weather demands it), I watch some form of TV, I go on an excursion to one of our many dead malls…maybe I’ll do something to the house sometimes.

    Flipped it up a little for this one, which is kind of interrupted, yet longer than usual. Today was a charity 5K, then I dropped off some stuff to Goodwill and went for groceries. Work tomorrow, car work on Monday, holiday party on Friday, then not back to work again ’til Saturday afternoon.

  17. As little as humanly possible. I’ve no idea how people can handle doing anything on top of working all week. I demand that I don’t leave the house at least 1 day on the weekend.

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