My best friend I had known since middle school ghosted me around August of 2020 on my birthday. she came to visit for my birthday and I offered my place to stay. She showed up at night and left abruptly in the morning without a word after sleeping over. I didn’t hear from her until a couple days later and I tried to ask what happened. I noted that I was hurt that she left without letting me know, and she said her and her boyfriend were arguing so that’s why they left. I could tell she wasn’t really sorry about her actions and I didn’t know if it was the whole truth because she had ghosted me similarly in the past too. She stopped talking to me after that, but I still tried to reach out to her because she told me she had depression before and I knew her bf was verbally abusive. She just didn’t respond.

After several months, one day I saw a post on insta that she had gotten a cat and that the cat saved her life. I just felt very upset seeing this post knowing she was ignoring me. I decided to remove her as a friend on my socials but I left my phone number available in case she wanted to reach out.

Around 2022, I had a dream about her, and felt a lot of regret from removing her on my socials. I added her back and messaged her that I was immature for it and wanted to know if she still cared about our friendship. I just didn’t feel like cutting her off knowing that she was someone important in my life before. I didn’t get a response but she did add me back on socials.

She randomly messaged me this year in 2023, saying she thought of me often and she appreciated that I was the only friend who ever reached back out after everything she had gone through, She noted she moved across the country and was dating someone new, and in therapy. I decided to respond and asked if we could talk things through more as I wanted to have a better friendship with her whenever she was feeling ready and I’d appreciate understanding each other’s boundaries because I had just started therapy too. That was back in June and I didn’t get a response from her since.

I had a dream of her again but last night and woke up feeling sad about it. I mustered up the courage today to text her and told her that I am sending nothing but positive vibes and that I am still open for a chat.

I guess I know I shouldn’t have expectations or believe she is 100% the same friend I knew her to be before. I just don’t want to have a burned bridge. I also want some closure. When someone doesn’t respond you have no idea if you yourself did something wrong and I don’t want to be oblivious to it either. I’m not sure what to do to make myself feel better about the relationship. We don’t have to talk all the time, but I want the reassurance that I can reach out without being ignored, and I feel like it’s not a lot to ask for. How do I go about trying to remain as friends? Is it really a lost cause and should I just let it go?

TLDR: My friend has a history of ghosting me and I ended up ghosting her on socials as a result. I apologized two years later and she messaged me a year after that. But when I messaged her back this year about having more of a friendship, I got ghosted again. I want to be just basic friends at this point, but I don’t know how to go about it.

  1. “But I want the reassurance that I can reach out without being ignored”

    Yeah that seems unlikely.

    Fundamental basis of any relationship…it requires reciprocation. At best she seems like someone you’ll talk to rarely, if she wants it to be more than that then that decision has to be hers. based on what’s been said, there’s either zero friendship or an incredibly sporadic one…and unless/until she shows and says she wants something different, there’s not much to discuss tbh

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