In the last month I have been feeling extremely horny, and I’m getting a little scared. When I wake up, during the day, even at work, I have been masturbating in the restroom.
Any advice to do it less times?

1 comment
  1. I can’t say anything for actual health issues aside from asking if you e had any medication changes recently. But I do find myself getting hornier more often if I haven’t had a decently emotional intimate time with my wife recently. That said if this is new and doesn’t seem to be related to a change in sexual habits before this started then distraction may help if you become mentally aroused before becoming physically aroused (ie thinking sexy thoughts first). The 54321 method has always helped me. List five things you can see. Then 4 things you can hear. 3 things you can touch. 2 things you can smell. And. 1 thing you can taste ( helps to have a drink nearby). If you find yourself getting horny physically first. ( getting hot and bothered before having sexy thoughts) then it may be a physical change you are going through. Either changing a bit as you grow older ( from 18-30 you can change a lot mentally and physically still) or a recent change that may have caused it. Is there anything from the month before that changed? Diet, meds, relationships, living situation?

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