I just don’t know the full concept of outgrowing someone or being outgrown by someone so just wanted to know

  1. It feels like they only want to talk about topics that you no longer have an interest in

  2. You find they’re very presence irritating
    Disgusting if they’re a loud mouth piece of shit ugly that sounds like he has a cock in his mouth

    I got drunk and chated with my ex best friend
    Not even as I really think about it
    It was always me hiding who I was to fit a mold

    My step cousin
    He’s NOTHING to me know
    But im painting a picture so you can get a sense

    So after not taking for a long time
    We agreed to hang out or something

    Then I’m sober and I realize
    Wtf do I want to hang out with him for?
    I’m not the me from before that couldn’t keep up with getting high and trying to be something I wasn’t
    What I wanted was the friendship we had when we were innocent kids
    The him he grew up to be is not the kid that followed me and not the other way around
    Just the thought of him makes me ill
    He is so disgusting
    He’s whole family is
    I’m soooooo much happier now beign me and not pretending or caring what they think
    I do hate them though
    I wish they would just dissappear

    But hopefully I can leave this current place I’m at and just go away and back home to Mexico

  3. I think all of us just put up a facade when around other people especially when it comes to maturity. Look how different we act around our parents, our siblings or our children. One can say we all suffer from some form of multiple personality disorder

    I will use this quote: “You can lie to everyone else, but you can’t lie to yourself”

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