I dated a boy name Joe on and off for 6 years. He was my first love and there is a lot of history there. I ended up getting into a relationship that lasted for about four years, but eventually came to an end. I always had a feeling that one day down the road Joe and I would end up together again when we were older and more mature. While I was with my previous boyfriend, Joe got into a new relationship and they have been together for a while now. They have recently bought a house and became engaged. I am still struggling seeing him happy with someone else and accepting the fact that me and Joe will never be anything . Is there any ways that I can help move past these feelings that I have for him and to accept that he is with someone else, and he’s probably going to spend the rest of his life with. I will add on that I do run into Joe maybe once or twice a year and the last time I ran into him, he became very awkward and tense and I noticed that he was staring at me across the room. He also deleted me off Snapchat once him and his girlfriend became engaged and bought a house. I am not sure of why he did it but maybe it was his form of moving on was not seeing my stories. I’m just really struggling here and I am trying to move on.

  1. You can move on and forget about him or delude yourself that he still wants you ( staring at you, deleting your Snapchat because he does not want to see your stories, etc.. ) bottom line he moved on so should you.

  2. Thank god, Joe found a healthy relationship. Please stay away. You both are not meant for each other.

  3. Been going through exactly this but just know, it’s a good thing your not in a toxic relationship anymore.On and off for six years is not healthy and quite frankly really toxic.It’s not gonna be sudden but I promise you will find a healthy relationship that will make you so happy and appreciated. That special person will be absolutely happy to be with you and your ex will only be an afterthought. I promise you it will get better .

  4. If you really want what’s best for him. Move on. Sometimes loving someone is letting someone go.

    And by moving on, you’re doing the best thing for yourself and Joe. He found someone good earlier, it doesn’t mean you won’t. Until then, work on yourself and become your best self.

  5. You said “while I was with my previous boyfriend”. Does this mean that you have a boyfriend now?

  6. This is exhibit A in support for NEVER following your ex on social media.

    Your ex got the memo and fixed his Snapchat. You need to block him and start living your life. You have a separate body and existence from any other person. You should exercise that independence and cherish it.

  7. I feel sorry for your second bf of 4 years. The guy never knew his gf was carrying baggage from the past which eventually crushed the relationship.

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