I’m very well aware that vaginas typically have some sort of odor that is just natural, and sometimes I actually kind of like it, but there have been multiple times where I literally hold my breath over and over again to eat her out because the smell is so bad. I’ve told her this before and we laughed about it, but I haven’t brought it up since.

There was a time where I wasn’t ready to go down on her, but Joe that I am she wants me to consistently, and frequently the smell is just really bad. Thankfully it’s not the smell of decal matter like it was the first time, but it just smells like someone who hasn’t showered in a while.

I go along with it and go down on her as often as I can because she goes down on me frequently and without a single complaint, and she’s really good at it so I don’t want to make a fuss.

What should I do?

  1. You gotta phrase it carefully and be sure to continuously reiterate that you want to eat her out, but it’s just stopping you. It may help by saying that if it was you, you’d want to hear or. Or that you don’t want to be mean or judgy, but it’s something you gotta say.

    She might get upset for a little but in the long run it’ll be good for the relationship. And you’ll get to enjoy eating pussy lol

  2. Tell her. Say please shower. I get TP stuck down there that I don’t know about and I prefer to shower before I get eaten out. Makes the husband upset he has to wait 30 seconds for me to wash off, but maybe try asking her nicely to shower quick incase stuff is stuck in there like tp or hair.

  3. > it just smells like someone who hasn’t showered in a while.

    You don’t even need to mention the smell, from onward you could just tell her that you will find it more appealing and pleasurable if you do oral sex only after some hygiene routine like a shower beforehand.

  4. Be sure to communicate again. Avoid using demeaning words and instead choose a gentle way to re-communicate. You can express your feelings and emphasize that this is not about pointing fingers, but about finding a common solution.

  5. It sounds like she may have some kind of issue bigger than showering. Definitely have her shower pre sex…like “Yeah, I’m down, but go shower first.” But also get a bottle of boric acid suppositories, and ask her to use them for 2 weeks, every night at bedtime. We have had really great responses from patients at my job using this. It’s adjusts pH and helps return vaginal flora to correct balance, which can greatly impact taste and smell. If that doesn’t work, encourage her to see her GYN.

  6. Taste/smell also changes during the cycle.
    Maybe her taste is particularly strong on some days in the month only?

    Obviously, it’s hard to tell now, but maybe something to keep in mind.

  7. My ex used to douche every month after her period and it always tasted bitter down there.

    I mentioned many times that douching wasn’t good for her V, but she was the kind that wouldn’t listen no matter who told her something that she didn’t want to believe.

    It never really smelled, it just tasted bitter and I hated it. I would go down on her twice a year as I felt obligated to, but I absolutely hated it.

    My new girl and I have been together for seven years and I would go down on her daily if I could. She showers beforehand, and I have never had to ask her of that.

    I know the vagina tastes and smells different during different times of the month, but she’s always good.

    I say that to say this: it may be a minor thing like showering beforehand. That goes for both of you. You don’t want to give her stank dick either, and you don’t want to give her UTI’s and yeast infections.

    Above all, learn to communicate a lot. This will help any relationship, but especially the one with your partner.

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