I just thought it would be a fun question, but with seriousness. Do you look in the mirror and think to yourself, damn I’m a hot mofo? I ask this in older men because you know we are starting to show our age and I think confidence is so important to good mental health…


Thank you to all the fellas who gave me a good honest answer. Us women wonder about you guys too and we want you to feel wanted and attractive too

  1. Hell yes I do lmao.

    I just lost a ton of weight earlier this year and have worked hard for what I have now. At this point, I look better than when I was in college.

  2. Nope. I’ve been putting on weight over the last few years and starting to lose my hair. It’s been a big challenge trying to stay confident.

  3. Absolutely. In fact when people look at me, they scrunch up their faces really tightly because I’m that good looking.

  4. I caught a young woman (21?) ‘mirin at Home Depot two years ago. She was staring at my butt and jumped when she realized I saw her and gave me a shy lip bite. I don’t even care if it was a daddy thing, it’s literally the only time something like that had happened in my life and I think about it all the time.

  5. Yes, particularly today. I went for haircut (basically I shaved my head), then bought a nice pair of chinos and a black badass turtleneck jumper, wore them straight in the store and when I walked out I felt like fuckin Jason Statham, lol. 😂
    On more serious tone though, all my life I struggled with very low self esteem, never considered myself attractive and I exuded huge amounts of loser’s vibes. However, 1-2 years ago I hit the gym, improved my physique, shaved my thinning hair and all that did miracles. Objectively, now at the age of 37 I am definitely less attractive than when I was 20-25 for example, but the self esteem boost of the last two years did wonders to my perception of how I look.

  6. Some days.

    But I also don’t think I turn heads anymore and I’ve been wondering about that because this last year I’ve been working on myself in the gym a lot. I think what it is, is I was expecting to be noticed the same way I would when I was 16-25 and maybe women are noticing me now but they’re just more subtle and relaxed if they do at all, or simply they notice me and aren’t moved by physicality as a younger women (person in general) might be

  7. I’m in some of the best shape of my life at almost 58 with some decent muscles, but I’m not sure any ladies other than my wife of 31 years would try to have a go at me just for that. I am confident and outgoing, so I suppose that might help if I were ever back on the market, but my wife does tell me that I’m sexy, and that’s all I need in that regard.

  8. Yes. I also think its a lot less “Showing our age” and a lot more “showing how much you take care of yourself”. Proper exercise, nutrition rest and skin care goes a very long way.

  9. I actually do. I’ve stayed in shape ever since I was 18, but I have noticed changes in my body, like a receding hairline and hair loss. At 33, I feel in better shape than ever. My confidence is way higher than before, and I just push through life, enjoying what each stage brings to the table.

  10. Not once, not for a single nano second, in my 45 years have I ever thought I was sexy.

    Edit: and the evidence of my rare dating experience points to the same being thought by most others. Eh, such is life.

  11. In guys of my age range, 54, and location I’m a fucking stud. I’m fit, muscular, clean cut, still have all my salt and pepper hair, and always smell good. I still get attention from ladies a lot younger than me when we, wife, ho our clubbing.

  12. Yeah. I consider myself pretty good looking. I’ve put on a few pounds but I’m tall and used to lift weights hard so I carry it well. I’d love to drop 30 lbs though, but god damn do I love tasty food and lots of it

  13. Do now. I’ve lost 75lbs. I’m 6’2″ and went from 260 to 185. Grew my hair, grew a beard, started taking care of my face with cleansing and moisturizing. Now I think I look pretty good. My lady absolutely does so that helps too.

  14. I’ve lost almost 100lb in the last year. I’m aging like a fine wine! Finally getting to my wife’s level lol

  15. I’ve always been reasonably handsome. Been able to keep my weight healthy and put on muscle in my 30s so I think my body looks good. I’m going bald now, but I think I look good with a shaved head and beard so it works out

  16. Yeah, I definitely still feel attractive. I don’t look like a 22 year old, but I still look in the mirror and feel pretty confident most days.

    I put effort into my hair and beard each day, and when I let myself go and stop caring about my hair and beard then I start to look unattractive pretty fast.

    Good looks don’t happen on their own most of the time.

  17. I prob think I’m better looking than I am. 44 here Work out 4x a week, been doing it over 20 years. Meal prep, using face moisturizer now. Taking care of myself w doc appts and financial planning wise. I passed a promotion recently so I could keep a good work/life balance.

    I still drink too much from time to time but make lots of time for sleep and try not to be over planned. A lot of time with my dog at parks and seeing friends.

    I feel good about where I’m at physically, but also count financial health, social health and work life balance as part of all this too.

  18. Sometimes, when I’m regularly hitting the gym and keeping up on grooming.

    Meanwhile I’m on day 4 of my second Covid infection and I feel about as sexy as a moldy potato.

  19. My partner is in his mid-40s and I tell him he’s sexy all the time. Not just physically, but mentally too.

  20. No, it’s an ugly monkey shell I’m stuck in until I die or technology advances far enough to replace it with something better. At best it is passably functional. At worst I actively despise it. Any level of ‘attractiveness’ is despite it, not because of it.

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