I’m in my sophomore year, and there’s this girl I became friends with during the 2nd semester of my freshman year (she’s an irregular student). We had a little misunderstanding during our dance practice I’m kinda slow with choreos, and she got frustrated & said things that offended me but I just brushed it off,
Also she kept saying she needed to leave early because she was hungry, having missed dinner and breakfast. I told her we hadn’t eaten either, and lunchtime is near, we should keep practicing. She just rolled her eyes at me, but after that, she went all silent and cold. Even when I tried talking to her, she responded in a cold way.

I approached her for several days, but it was like talking to a wall. So, I decided to stop bothering her. It feels like she cut me off because of my flaws, and it hurts because we used to have a good time as friends, and I did her favors all the time.

Now, we’re in the same class, see each other every day, but we’re practically strangers. I can’t shake off this messed-up feeling about our friendship. I’m thinking of ignoring her too because she’s being rude to me but Part of me hopes things can still be fix, & I’m thinking about talking to her. The problem is, I can’t figure out what to say because, honestly, I don’t think it’s my fault, and she’s always avoiding me.
Should I just let things be or just move on?.

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