Pretty straight forward: How tf do you date in this city…like how do you put yourself out there…

I try to think with an open mind, positive and shie but does anyone else from the westcoast feel like this city is just one big judgemental bottle neck? I swear if you just look at someone the wrong way they’re on some LA , or Brampton type shit…I get this aura this cloud of like misery…I know it’s expensive here, I know times are tough..but where’s the fun?

For example: The last time I tried something it was on an app ( I think it was called Bumble ), meet up was good, connection seemed genuine, then the subject of me not having a car came up ( for context mine broke down recently and gas is now 222+ a litre ) and all of a sudden it’s like “yeah nahhh” like…aight

I hear it’s tough for women too out here- fuckboys left, right and centre, issues with people being focused on the wrong things etc

So yeah, how do you do this in your early 30’s, where do you go….do I stay myself, or be bold and try something outside the box….Vancouver what’s good?

Guess it’s just overwhelming..sometimes I’m jealous of people who can just remain single and not be bothered, but after years of personal growth from abuse and trauma , recovery etc it would be nice to at least try dating lol just have no clue 🤷🏽‍♂️

  1. Actually homies lol like I went to LA not that long ago and I swear people were nice there….
    Hell there’s nicer people in skid row here around main, then there is in the rest of the civilian pool half the time ..anyway I’m not trying to get cynical about it all, it’s just confusing 🙃

  2. It’s not hard for women, dude.
    They’re choosing the fuckbois. They know what they’re getting into.

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