Children are like literally my number one most important deal breaker. I absolutely hate the little fucks. But being 35 years old and divorcing from my wife leaves me in a pool of “Happy mom of 3” probably by 2 different men that are now in your life for the long haul. The odd couple that don’t “looking for my baby daddy” am I seriously just going to be alone for the long haul now because I won’t have kids?

  1. The fastest growing demographic in the west is single women living alone. So as long as you live in a reasonably large city, you should be able to find someone. IME people in the burbs/small towns are more likely to be family oriented and people in big cities tend to be less interested in children or have fewer children.

  2. At 35 you shouldn’t call children “little fucks” and say you “hate” them, even if you don’t want any (which is a totally valid preference), that’s just incredibly immature, I’d expect that out of a 12 year old.

    (I’m a dude, point still stands)

  3. 44f here, CF since forever. We do exist, and it’s good to know that men like you exist, too šŸ™‚

  4. Iā€™m in my 30s and donā€™t have/want kids but I have friends with kids, so I wouldnā€™t date someone who calls them little fucks.

  5. Wow! bro who hurt you?
    Yes there are women that donā€™t want and donā€™t have kids – but the way you speak about women and kids is scary!

    You shouldnā€™t date until your get some therapy because you donā€™t sound like a good partner!

  6. Iā€™m 34F. single and donā€™t want kids. I also find them a little exhausting and donā€™t enjoy endless conversations about them. BUT, I donā€™t have contempt for them or the love their parentsā€™ have for them, and itā€™s a red flag that you seem to.

  7. 33 CF, but kids aren’t tiny little fucks to me. I don’t want them, and don’t particularly like them at my place due to my gaming collection, wet bar, and cookware. Also my various hobbies neatly placed for work-in-process spots.

    Occasionally, I will attend my friends events for their kids celebration. But friends also know that I’m with being a flighty fun aunty, but I don’t interact with their kids until kindergarten age level because it’s a sack of potatoes atm

  8. Plenty of us are around, but we are usually highly independent and successful and we donā€™t wanna settle because we are not on a biological clock timeline

    Prove you can be a wonderful partner and not just an ATM/baby daddy and Iā€™m sure you will find someone eventually

  9. The dating pool of 30+ yr old women who are 100% child-free is bigger than you think. But that pool is significantly smaller based on your attitude toward children. Iā€™m not balking my nose at the term ā€œlittle fucksā€, but at the combination of that with how you speak about women with kids and your vehement disdain for your nephews (based on your comments in this post).

    Itā€™s one thing to not want children, and another to despise their very existence. Is there a woman who loves country-living and gaming, while also being completely against having her own biological children? Sure. But you probably wonā€™t find a woman who HATES kids for simply existing and being in public. I know youā€™ve argued with everyone on how your attitude is coming across, but Iā€™m just being honest. Calling them ā€œcrotch goblinsā€ at your big age is a red flag.

  10. 37F single and no kids, the amount of judgement I get is abysmal. I love my nieces and nephews and my friends children, but I am totally cool with never being a mom šŸ™‚

  11. Mid-30s woman here and can’t have kids – that was ruled out with a fertility clinic in 2016 during MY divorce. He was super supportive, but the lack of menstruation and the fact we never got pregnant was a big flag.

    I’m in the opposite boat – woman in 30s who can’t find a man who doesn’t want kids in the next (very) few fertile years. And adoption and surrogacy are too expensive.

    If there’s a guy like you and a woman like me on this tiny Reddit than there are plenty of us. I think we just need to make it more clear that this is what “I’ want from the beginning. It’s actually a pretty attractive thing to see in men (from my POV.)

  12. Do u have kids with ur wife? If no then u should be fine but a divorce might be something others will see as a red flag until u are fully free of ur ex wife.

    If yes then not many single and kids free women would be up for it unless they are lacking in other departments.

  13. Not in my 30ā€™s yet, but I think Iā€™d be perfectly happy having no kids and genuinely donā€™t understand why so many girls want them so bad. It looks like a nightmare to me. My parents also had me later than many (more career-driven) and it kind of runs in the family so it never even crossed my mind to have kids in my 20ā€™s or early 30ā€™s. I think that puts me in a unique position though because my parents genuinely donā€™t care whether I decide to have kids or not šŸ˜‚ I hear others parents nagging them about grandchildren and I canā€™t help but feel for those people.

  14. I mean Iā€™m a 24 year old woman that doesnā€™t want to have children or ever be a parent in any capacity, but I donā€™t go out of my way to berate other peoples children or make assumptions about single parents. You can exist as a childfree person without hatred my man

  15. Iā€™m 20 and you seem like a red flag to me. Not wanting children is fine but itā€™s like you have an extreme hatred for them. You might need therapy before you start dating

  16. I have no issue with OPs language. There are some of us that feel about children the way most feel about a wet dog that insists on jumping on you and getting you dirty. Just bc OP.posted his thoughts in an aggressive way does not mean he treats children or their parents in the same manner.

    I am kind, understanding, and not an evil person towards anyone, but in my head, I am wishing some would practice birth control.

  17. I get not wanting to have kids, or even thinking theyā€™re annoying, but holy shit, but you *hate* them? Where is this hatred coming from?

  18. Yep. Don’t want them.

    I don’t think anything in parenting is appealing.

    Play/homework…I find this boring.

    That’s it. But don’t have anything against kids.

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