So I’ve been talking to this girl I’ve known for a bit a lot recently and I’m not sure if she’s interested in me or not. Some signs seem to be there but I’m not 100% certain.

Recently, we have been talking every day about everything: life, getting to know each other, making plans, etc.

She wanted to take a trip with me and had one place in mind but then decided that she would like to go to New York with me over New Year’s weekend. Going there on that specific weekend seems to stick out to me and I don’t know why, plus the fact she wanted to go on it with just me and her alone.

And a few weeks ago she was telling me about this guy at work being flirty with her and it was bothering her and she had to tell him multiple times that she wasn’t interested, but recently, I’ve been flirting with her (my best attempt at it at least) and she hasn’t said anything like she said to him whatsoever to me and I know she would say something because she told that guy. However, when I do say flirty things, she keeps the conversation going but doesn’t really acknowledge the flirtatious stuff so that’s one thing that has me thinking she’s not interested.

But talking to me every day, asking me questions, texting me good morning and goodnight, wanting to take a trip, and a few other things make me think she is.

Is there a way for me to tell? If it’s obvious based on what I said, then I guess I’m just oblivious.

  1. Sounds like you’re her gay best friend. You’re just gonna have to outright say something like “I have romantic feelings for you” and give her some time to process it and then you can figure out if you need time to cool off or if she is down for building a romance. Otherwise it’ll just build up until you can’t handle it anymore and nuke the friendship

  2. YES. She’s into you. Tell her you want to be intentional with dating. Girls want clarity and leadership from the man.

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