So I met someone 4 months ago at my uni and we became pretty good friends. We’re both women. A month ago she sent me a text saying nice things such as that I understood her at a deeper level compared to others. I thought that I had finally made a friend.

About two weeks ago she started acting a bit distant. Like, for example, at an event I was sitting next to her the whole time, until her other friends took over my seat and I ended up having to sit elsewhere. Whenever I would be talking to her she would eventually shift to talking with her other friends and forget me. Now she no longer even looks at me or says hi or anything.

It just feels a bit sudden and drastic compared to the friendship we used to have. I don’t understand how she could go from sending me such a nice message to acting as if I don’t even exist within 4 weeks. I understand she’s no longer interested, but like there must be something wrong with me for her to act this way, and I honestly have no clue. We never had any arguments or anything. I genuinely don’t remember anything out of the ordinary happening.

  1. That’s tough and I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this

    It might not be something you did but something she’s dealing with personally

    Best to approach her gently and ask if everything’s okay

    Communication can help clear misunderstandings.

  2. It’s tough when friendships unexpectedly change, but don’t be too hard on yourself

    It may not be about you directly but about something she’s going through

    Try talking to her about it.

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