I’m into my 30s now and started to notice some signs of aging..mainly for me forehead wrinkles(stress lines) and bags under the eyes.

Are there any creams that actually work? I’ve never been a fan of putting stuff on your face and believe that do more harm than good, but maybe you guys know of things that actually work and don’t damage the skin but actually help?

Thanks in advance

  1. I use a cream after I shave because I don’t like after shave. Gold Bond lotion for dry skin works best IMO

  2. Olay do a 50+ sunscreen moisturiser. The sun will age you the most, then your diet. You are what you eat and all that.

  3. Go sign up on the curology website. They have an anti aging plan and can hook you up with a program that will basically be:

    1. cleanser, prescription cream, moisturizer before bed
    2. Cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen when you wake up

    It takes about 6 months to start seeing results but it’s worth it. I’ve been doing it for almost a year now and have gotten compliments on my skin for the first time ever in my life

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