Context: I 21/M dated this girl 20/F for just 3 months. Our relationship was great, we both loved each other and had no crazy issues. (I know 3 months isn’t that long to gauge it but just bear with me here)

We had to break up due to personal circumstances that would prevent us from staying together, basically just family/culture etc. We both really want to stay together but knowing that things won’t work is sort-of forcing us to not be together. We had a very clean breakup and we were both very sad knowing it had to be done.

I’ve found it a little easier when the other person isn’t a good partner or just resentful in anyway. But she literally did everything right and because of that, I feel like it’s difficult to move on from someone that hasn’t done anything to me that would make me dislike them. So how do I move on from a relationship that is giving me no reason to dislike the other person?

Sorry if the seems stupid but I’m just curious as to what people would have to suggest.


  1. Ouf. I’ve been there. Except mine was 3 years. It was incredibly hard and we kept trying to casually stay in contact but it would lead to fights and difficulty because we weren’t together but couldn’t leave each other alone.

    In your case, just keep reminding yourself for the reasons it can’t work & also know 3 months isn’t long enough to really know her well. The idea you have of her is an idealized version. Everyone has flaws. It’s natural. But since you didn’t know her long enough, you don’t truly know

  2. Dude you are so young that’s how you get over look forward to the future you have and the possibilities. Don’t think about this very long you still have the majority of your life ahead. It’s gonna be so fun much more fun than being with someone that’s gonna end up divorcing you because you started dating and marrying too young anyway. 50% of marriages end in divorce and I bet no one that got married believed they would get divorced. Save yourself some time and get out there and exploring the wonderful world of women dude

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