How do you feel comfortable receiving pleasure during a one-night stand?

  1. I’m almost 34 and never went home with or took home a rando. I don’t think I could, nor have I ever wanted to.

  2. Practicing being direct. It was a little awkward at first, but in my experience the other person is usually eager and willing to at least listen. Plus I can “reward” them if they do a good job

  3. My first one night stand left me feeling awkward, tbh. That night was chaotic though so everything was kind of off anyways. I haven’t had a ton of ’em, but the trick is to get to know her well enough so she no longer feels like a stranger and also to be upfront about it just having a bit of fun. I think of it as creating a micro-relationship for the night inside of a bubble that pops the next day.

  4. That’s what one night stands are *for!* I get mine and he gets his, otherwise there’s no point.

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