I’ve said this before. He out event in front of me. I’m not looking for a new man. But we’re going since our 28yr old daughter died, 6 years ago, we have fought, and argued
I still love him. But I’m not willing anymore to have no intimacy, never have we talked about how and dreams. He’s always right. I have been diagnosed with bi polar and he uses that against me. In an so extremely emotional and he is the opposite.
Just about event I’ve asked him for (stop drinkingchoose Mr first, keep a united front telling 45 yesrs of telling me white lies , coding good froends opiniondms over mine , he hss never once since we married to sick up for me event it’s a drunk hitting on me at a bar or his best friends wife when u told him I cohosh be friends with her because she was really nasty. He said his friend never said anything about her.
Part of me loves him so that it hurts. But I cry more times than I laugh. I want attention. I want to be number 1 after 35 years, don’t I deserve that?
Then I think about splitting and I think that’s what should be done..
I could ask him to move into the spare bedroom…
At this point I don’t knew what to do everyone including my family thinks he’s such a great guy because he’s always jòlly always making jokes. I.almost feeling that he isn’t a man that wants to be married. He doesn’t share things with
Me then I figure them out later. I think I want better for myself.
We started marriage counseling 3 weeks ago at $100 a week. Is it worth Eben using. Our kidsss are 23 and 32.
Its so sad because I’ve always said it will always be the 5 of hss, my daughter included.
Please tell me of you feel like somebody sparks inside you.

Thank you

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