I (22m) want to ask out my friend (22f). I have known her for a few months. The thing is when I first met her she was on and off with her bf, but in the past month she cleanly broke things off with him. Initially I spent time with her because she was a cool person, but recently I have been developing feelings for her. Me and her have been getting lunch, dinner, and other various activities like working out or playing sports.

We typically see each other multiple times a week, and text daily. We both plan out restaurants and places to go but often when we hang out there isn’t a lot of physical touch. Sometimes the vibes are really great, but other times she seems less engaged so the signs aren’t clear to me. We have talked about dating in general and she mentioned she expects the guy to make the first move, so the ball is in my court.

There is also another issue where she has had much more dating experience than me, as she had had several serious relationships and I have had no serious relationships, which can make things more intimidating. My lack of experience makes it hard for me to escalate things and I always feel awkward about doing it. I want to tell her how I feel, but I feel like there is never a right time. I don’t know if she just sees me as a friend or a potential romantic interest.

Do I tell her how I feel? Do I try to escalate things when we hang out? What should I do?

1 comment
  1. You seem to be certain about how you feel about her. Now you have to find out whether it is mutual. I would try to create a situation with only the two of you. It doesn’t need to be a date. You just need some uninterrupted privacy to have that talk. Tell her you value and enjoy her friendship, but you’re interested in her romantically. That should be enough to get a response.

    You’ll have to find out anyway, so better sooner than later. Because your infatuation will get stronger and a rejection will hurt more as time goes on.

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