For the first time in 24 years of my life I mustered the courage to ask someone out. Well, not really asking her out.

We were waiting for the bus together after work and she was talking about a church that she’s never been in, she said it was different. She’s a protestant and I’m catholic so I don’t really understand. I thought it could be an opportunity to tag along with her.

So I asked her if I can come with her. She said something like sure why not. Now since she’s still undecided about actually going there, I said “well, do tell me if you wanna go there”. She said okay, and then we went our separate ways.

She said it was on saturday, and here it’s almost sunday. Of course maybe she’s just not going, but I also don’t think she took it seriously. Maybe she thought I was just doing small talk since we’re pretty close.

In that case, what should I do? Sure there’s always next week, but how do I approach her without seeming like I’m pushing it? I’ve also never texted her.

I thought about doing a different approach, like asking her to hang out to show me around on friday (I’m new in town) but I’m not that brave yet. And after my attempt the other day I feel it’s still too close and obvious.

  1. You can tell her that you totally forgot to contact her to go to church saturday( send her this message like Monday or Tuesday) after that proceed to invite her somewhere you can tell her you have a favorite place you would like her to try obviously don’t tell her what it is keep the mystery and let her try to find.

    Important thing is that you have to take control of the date you can’t stand there and wait for her to tell you when it will be. Take the lead plan the date make it happen

  2. Be direct and self assured, and if she says no, don’t act all sad and needy, even if it feels fake. Your words should be easy, aloof, and try to be in a good mood when asking. Girls see confidence like guys see the slope of nice boobies, so be direct and then cut the convo off quick before she can answer and redirect to the thing you’re going to do tonight (that you know she’d want to be a part of, for whatever reason, you know her). Now that your intentions are clear and you said it like an ice cold motherfucker who could care less if she shows, compliment her and leave. Always leave em wanting more.

    Do NOT ask why, or for an explanation. You won’t like what you hear and it’s likely not true anyway.

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