I have a friend group that is great, we have known each other since we were 18 and the relationship is honestly the greatest it has ever been. I really like our time with each other and the idea of the relationship progressing though it is like there are many signs she is surprised by them at all times. For reference, we all got together for a back yard bond fire the other day and had a little party at our place, and the next morning she couldn’t stop talking about how crazy it was.

For reference: her highschool friend group kind of imploded after graduation so she is without many friends herself, though loves any time we are able to have guests over. It has been a long term relationship and something we have spent time developing so for the most part she knows and is comfortable around my friends. We have dated for a year and a half. Though still it is like my friends are always more active and proactive than her entire friend group. I just don’t know what to make of her surprise every time we clean the place the next day.

Any ideas or advice is appreciated because it is obvious this is news to her, thanks.

tl;dr girlfriend is always surprised by the energy of my friend group. To me it seems normal though to her it is like it is always new information. I am surprised by the fact she is surprised by something like this, thanks for any reference or information.

1 comment
  1. It doesn’t sound like there’s anything for you to solve here; she’s just talking. She doesn’t sound upset from what you’ve written. I would ask her “do these parties or any of my friends bother you?” to make sure and if she says no then leave it alone.

    She’s only 20 and if she hasn’t had a good group of friends to go out with she has probably not experienced much of “adult life”. In fact, if you’ve been dating for a year and a half you’ve been there for her entire adulthood. She’s going to be surprised by seemingly mundane things because she is new to being an adult in general.

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