(Both 25+) The thing is we were dating for around 4-5 months(but known her for years) and probably been in a relationship for a month or so (not been official yet or gotten any physical yet). We had our differences as she was super busy with her works (so was i but i had always prioritized her) and communication was below bare minimum tbh and we rarely met. At times i felt like i was forcing her to meet or hangout or even call or text. I confronted what i had been feeling but there was no significant changes on her side. I was patient and understanding but i was getting frustrated and lonely at times.

One day I installed an app discord (i regret to this very date) for porn and stuffs basically. And in certain server, there was a massage to trade videos/images and i did that. No sexting, flirting or whatsoever, I was just feeling lonely and i did it (no name or face, just d\*\*\* pics in exchange for nudes). I know it was desperate and to this date, i regret doing that. I had absolutely no intention to cheat on my date/gf because i loved her. Before that i had never known of that app, or flirted with anyone or anything. And the irony is, the next day we met and i took her to a restaurant and took cute pictures of her and while showing that she saw those pictures (my d\*\*\* pics). She asked me about it and I said i was lonely and i did it in discord to exchange stuffs. How shameful was that. I would have dug my grave for myself if i could that day. She didnt react then but after she got to home, it was devastating. I can understand her frustration, anger, madness because i broke her trust which i never intended to, but what do i do now?

I dont want to leave her because i seriously love her (never loved someone like her ever before). I know i made a terrible mistake. I tried to convince her but she is stuck on the same thing that i broke her trust. Before that i had always there for her, though my efforts on her was never reciprocated, i was always happy to be there for her. I loved her and i deeply cared for her. I never made any wrong moves or intention because i thought i would marry her one day. I never had the slightest intention to cheat on her. I am a good looking guy I would have cheated her with another girl if i wanted to. But i never even flirted with anyone, she was the one for me.

Is this the end to our relationship? I fucked up big time but how do i fix this? I really want to fix this no matter what it takes. I wish i had never done that but it’s done and I never ever would do that again but how do i convince her? Help guys, I am in serious pain and i am getting depressed day by day.

  1. I mean since you’re not actually in a relationship, but have only dated, and yall can’t even make that work… i dont think its gonna be anything long term. I think its over, yeah.

    You really cant do anything. You can keep on dating, but if its a deal breaker for her, there’s nothing you can do about it

  2. I mean, there is sites for that, right? Why would you do that with discord of all the apps? Beside why didn’t you crypt you d*ck pics? Or even delete them? It’s not like you keep them just in case yours will disappear ,You know you have a girl friend, that could probably be searching your phone rn if you didn’t duck up big time.

    Anyway, like you said, you fucked up.

    So grow some balls budy and move on and learn your mistakes, apologize to her before, and tell her that you understand if she don’t want to be with you.

    Final say: someone like that tend to be a turn off, so good luck and find someone els, or force yourself into, wait other answers, maybe there is better.

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