So i met this girl at the beach, talked for a bit, realized she was also christian and the vibes were good, so we exchanged IGs and we texted for a little bit. So she has this old yt channel and that was the topic of conversation, and i say something along the lines of “but there’s nothing weird on it” and then text “or maybe i haven’t seen it 👀” after that she stops replying, it was almost midnight so i assumed she went to bed.

That was last week, I’ve been left on delivered. I noticed that the last text could be misinterpreted as a “risky” text or something “sexual” which i do not want or seek right now, because of my beliefs. And she is also Christian so she probably saw that and misunderstood it.

Since she wasn’t replying i tried again replying to a story highlight of a bible verse she has a couple of days ago, still no response. Should i send her a message telling her about the whole probable misunderstanding?

1 comment
  1. I’ve been in a similar situation where I thought he misinterpreted what I said cuz he didn’t reply so I just clarified later that day and he indeed admitted to misinterpreting it.

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