How often do you get asked to smile or get questioned about your lack of a smile?

  1. Why would anyone think it was any of their business if you’re smiling or not?

  2. Surprisingly often recently (as in once a day) but generally speaking rarely. I have a face that doesn’t look like I’m smiling when I am.

  3. When I was a teenager/young adult – semi-frequently.

    As an adult – never.

    It’s a power thing. Only really said to women and young people i.e. people who probably won’t respond by punching you in the face.

  4. Pretty much never, because I’m generally always laughing/smiling. Could probably stand to take things a little more seriously if anything.

  5. Only once as an adult. I will admit I did smile and chuckle at it, but that was because it wasn’t a common occurrence for me and I didn’t think the the guy saying it was hitting on me. If I dealt with it daily from people trying to pick me up, I’d probably react differently.

  6. >How often do you get asked to smile

    Happened like four times in the span of about 8 months when I was 20.

    >get questioned about your lack of a smile?

    I’ve been asked why I don’t smile, mainly by friends or friends of friends who say I’m hard to read or think I look gloomier than I actually am (I’m just expressionless).

    Had some strange woman sic her male company on me once when I declined smiling for her though 🙃

  7. Very often actually… I don’t smile if I don’t have a reason to smile so people assume I am constantly in a bad mood

  8. Semi regularly in the workforce. Apparently my resting face is ‘serious’ which makes me less approachable.

    I just tell people that if I was smiling, no one would recognize me.

  9. About a year ago I had a conversation with a coworker in the elevator on a Monday morning. I was in a great mood and I told her this funny story of something that happened to me over the weekend. I guess I told it in a really animated and funny way because she cracked up laughing, and she said “Why aren’t you always like this? You’re always so stony-faced in the office!”

    And that just floored me, I was speechless, I had no idea that I gave people that impression. It made me start making an effort to come across as cheerful and talk to people at work more, lest I be known as the “stony-faced” guy

  10. I’ve been told that my resting face makes me look mad all the time. But no one ever tells me I should smile more.

  11. Happens fairly frequently for the first like… idk… couple weeks, maybe, when joining a new team or otherwise exposing myself to new people. I’ve got an awful case of RBF, but people get used to it fairly quickly.

  12. Anytime I’ve witnessed someone telling another person to smile more or “let me see that smile”, it’s always been a creepy dude talking to a younger woman. That shits just weird

  13. When I take pictures, I had facial palsy a few years back and I have a crooked smile

  14. Only when having photos taken. I’ve mastered the art of the fake smile, so I might smile more than I should. I’m not good-looking and smiling doesn’t make me better.

  15. It used to be a lot, my gf couldnt stop asking me if i am fine. I then explained to her that sometime we are just quiet and dont smile, simply.

  16. Regularly, I have a somewhat neutral expression most of the time, at least I interpret it as neutral, but more often than not I get the question if I’m angry/sad about something or if something troubles me.

    Guys, that’s just my face.

  17. It’s actually stopped in recent years (even before covid), but screw me, I swear it was weekly prior to like 2019.

  18. Never, and I don’t smile all that often either. Sometimes I get asked why I look dead inside, but I don’t think it’s quite the same.

  19. When I was in high school and university, almost every day. Hasn’t happened once since becoming a tradesman

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