Just had to share this because it blows my mind lol

I (27m) matched with this woman (39f) on a dating app. We talked for a few weeks, but there were some little red flags, then one night she’s out having drinks with her realtor (roughly middle aged man), which is obviously fine. But then she gets home at midnight, then at 1am goes over to the realtors place till 3am saying it’s because she forgot her vape in his car. Obviously they hooked up, but I hadn’t even met her in person so again, that’s her business. She says nothing happened and he’s “probably gay” (come on 🙄).

I later ended up saying we just didn’t seem compatible and stopped talking to her.

After about a month she reaches out again, saying it was really nice talking and she still wants to meet up. Against my better judgment I agree and we go out. Had a great time, we kept texting for a few days, then she tells me her boyfriend (this is the first I heard of him) is coming over so she won’t be texting me *for the next 6 days* because it would be rude to ignore her guest. I tell her that’s kinda fuckin weird and I’m out.

Another month goes by and she gets ahold of me again. She says that she broke up with her man, we chat a little, and she invites me over for the coming Friday, spending the night was mentioned.

She then goes on to say that she broke up with her boyfriend because he was calling her out for being a terrible mother (yikes) so she told him off, adding “plus I cheated on him lol… with my realtor hahahaha”

Then she says she’s proud of it, literally “I’m proud of it”

Then she says that’s she’s been hooking up with the realtor since before we started talking the first time.

I tell her I’m not into being around people who not only cheat, but are also proud of it.

So she *went off* about how “weird” it is that I care who she’s slept with (wtf?), ending with “I think that’s just you and your insecurities or your jealousy because it does not have anything to do with anything else”

So I have firmly shut the door on that shit 😂

Anyways, just thought I’d share this nonsense as a little reminder that if you break it off with someone, don’t waste your time when they text you later lol *move forward people*

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